On Jan 7, 2008 12:01 AM, Stefan Priebsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Pierre schrieb:
> > That what happens now with the numerous fatal errors. That's not the
> > case with an E_RECOVERABLE error. PHP has no compiler and all errors
> > will be see at runtime, even fatals like missing classes, functions,
> > methods, wrong interfaces or bad usages of set/getters.
> Sorry, not true. PHP does compile first and E_STRICT errors show up at
> compile time, which you can observe running a php -l lint check on a
> file E_STRICT errors and an appropriate error reporting level. But
> that's not really to the point, I know.

Syntax check are not what we are talking about.

By compilers, I mean that you don't have a warning because you are
passing the wrong instance or type to a function like you can have in

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