On Jan 11, 2008 1:47 PM, Sam Barrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> True. No one's vote is worth more than anyone else's, everybody should
> have equal say. Some people may know more about the PHP core, but we are
> all users and developers.

Not when some write anything about everything without knowing anything
about nothing (makes sense?)

> It is better to have input from people with a wide range of experience
> levels, it results in a fairer vote that actually represents the
> population, rather than putting PHP under the control of a select few.

It is not under the control of anyone. The principle is: Contribute
and your voice will be louder. It's easy to have a CVS account, and
it's easy to fix some bugs and submit patches. That way, you prove
that your voice can count and that you at least know what you are
talking about (I'm not talking about you in particular, but any user
that wants to contribute and have a voting voice that counts)

One way could be that votes from internal / phpdoc counts twice as
much as people that only leech this list. It's not controlling, but
being sure that future decision about the language are made
considering the opinions of people really knowing what's at stake.


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