Hi Stan,

There is a use case for the function allowing *explicitly* call-time pass by reference, because the function works both ways in subtly different ways.

This RFC isn't about whether or not this behaviour should be deprecated. It simply recommends that a warning be thrown by default in PHP 5.3 so that people will know to fix their code. The rationale for this is that there is ALWAYS a warning thrown in PHP 6, with no possibility to avoid that warning. It is also still marked deprecated in PHP 6, i.e. there is presumably a firm intention to remove the possibility for call-time pass-by-ref altogether.

call_time_pass_by_reference behaviour has been deprecated for 8 years plus - since before the PHP 4.0 release. If you're writing code that relies on that behaviour, either you don't care about the warning or you've never seen it. I suspect rather a lot of PHP users have never seen it, because by default that warning isn't thrown at all.

If you want to argue that there should be no warning by default, fine. But please try to stay on-topic.


- Steph

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