On 14.10.2008, at 21:01, Steph Fox wrote:

We are in alpha indeed, and still looking at proposals, and still without consensus. The last thing I'd want is to see namespace support pushed under the carpet, but I'd rather see it at this stage of development as part of the PHP 6 development cycle (as originally

Why? What would happen then that can't happen now?

What would happen if we give the namespace implementation a chance to mature is that it can be delivered as a fully-fledged language element rather than a partially-fledged and potentially flawed one.

Ok, lets slow down here for a second.

We have 4 options. We know how things are without namespaces, we know how things are with the current implementation. This essentially leaves 2 choices that are untested for now.

Both of these approaches have some uncleanness to them. If functions and constants get pushed to the global namespace while classes end up in the current namespace on include it can lead to some surprises. At the same time offering an ambiguous syntax to solve ambiguity when it occurs is also not beautiful. If we try out one of them in alpha3 and are unhappy I would not want an alpha4 to try out yet another one. But we will have the alpha3 either way at this point. So we could say lets try out the one that most people prefer for alpha3. If it sucks, we kick it out and move on.

Then we can alternatively push it to PHP 6 or drop the idea all together. I know that Dmitry and Greg were both thinking over alternative approaches, which did not yet come to a conclusion. Most of that revolves around other separators between or around namespaces. So we can keep cooking that.

Namespaces have turned out to be insanely complex. However it seems to me like most people that are voting are doing this on the basis that they feel that the problem itself is not yet understood by Stas/ Dmitry. I think they do understand the issue. That being said Greg also understands the issues well and disagrees with Stas, however I will leave it to him to decide on how to voice his concerns if at all. I am sure several other people on this list have followed the discussions close enough to be able to cast an educated vote. However if you do not understand the issues do not vote (I do of course not know who has been following the discussion or has not, so its up to each person to decide if they are in the loop enough to vote), unless you simply generally mistrust the approach taken to get to this point or the people involved.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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