OK, Thanks for the clue though! :)

What do you think about Sean Finneys post about this bug?

Debian has patched a memory bug that also ended up affecting the php5-sybase extension...

/Krister Karlström

Derick Rethans wrote:

This gives a very good clue - for some reason there is not enough memory allocated in the emalloc() call on line 911 of ext/mssql/php_mssql.c. For some reason the dbconvert() call writes more than it's supposed to do. I do not know the libsybdb library well enough to explain why though. :/

* Ing. Krister Karlström, Zend Certified Engineer         *
* Systemutvecklare, IT-Centralen                          *
* Arcada - Nylands Svenska Yrkeshögskola                  *
* Jan-Magnus Janssons plats 1, 00550 Helsingfors, Finland *
* Tel: +358(20)7699699  GSM: +358(50)5328390              *
* E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                       *

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