Hello Jani,

Monday, November 10, 2008, 11:41:44 AM, you wrote:

> Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just wanted to ask everybody to skim over the changes for PHP 5.3 we 
>> have in CVS (especially bigger stuff like the addition/removal of an 
>> extension etc.). Please bring up any areas you are concerned about that 
>> we might have forgotten. However I am not interested in people bringing 
>> up a debate again on namespace syntax or resolution orders (I hope to 
>> have the final behavior in CVS ASAP). This is just an attempt to ensure 

> 1. Change ext/phar to be disabled by default
We are not disabling thois because Jani doesn't like it.
> 2. Change ext/ereg to be disabled by default (scheduled to be removed in 
>      PHP 6, iirc?)
Do we already have plans on how and when to move this to pecl?
> 3. Remove ext/mhash (replaced by ext/hash)
Yep, should be dropped.

> --Jani

Best regards,

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