Hey Brian,

On 9 Mar 2009, at 20:42, shire wrote:

Hey Lukas,

Just a heads up that I should have a fix for this soonish, just running some more tests to make sure everything works as expected (I assume nobody else has started work on this):

9. tokenizer misses last single-line comment (http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=46817 )

What's the details on this one?

20. memory leak in the scanner when a new state stack is created

When a file is included and a new state structure is created for the scanner its pushed on to a stack for freeing later on, most of the time this happens as soon as the scanner has parsed the included file but not quite for the tokenizer extension though.

At the moment the destructor for the stack is comparing pointers, which are unfortunately different because when you push something with zend_stack it does a copy.

I have a fix which just adds an id to the state structure, but this requires a little bit more memory.

I think the cleaner fix is to sort the tokenizer extension, just need some more time.


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