Aside: I'd like to propose an internals-specific mutation of Godwin's law, which might state:

"As a PHP internals discussion thread grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Perl 6 approaches 1."


On 07/07/09 6:14 PM, Wez Furlong wrote:
-1 for 5.x
+1 for 6.0

Otherwise the Perl 6 guys will starting making their own jokes about
being released before PHP 6.


On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Ilia Alshanetsky<>  wrote:
I would like to ask all developers to voice their opinions of whether it
makes sense to add this to 5.3 or to throw it away (either one is fine btw).
To keep the process simple&  flamewar free, please restrict yourself to +/-
(1/0), next week monday I'll run a tally of the votes and based on the
result we can determine how to proceed further.


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