On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 8:01 PM, Stanislav Malyshev<s...@zend.com> wrote:
> Hi!
>> One more thing: It seems there is no reason not to simply commit it to
>> HEAD. That's the development branch, if the thing isn't good, it can be
> Erm, I was under impression that development branch is for developing new
> functionalities which were agreed on, not for committing any code that
> anybody wanted to without any consensus or agreement on what should happen
> with it. So yes, there's a reason not to "simply commit" this or any other
> major language-level functionality without prior discussion. The fact that
> you can remove it doesn't mean you should commit first and discuss later.

As I agree with that statement, we have to accept that we have a
consensus about this addition. For what I can read the implementation
is almost complete, there are issues but they can be fixed afterward
as well as all the other side effects we are going to have, no?


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