Richard Lynch wrote:
> On Tue, July 7, 2009 12:54 pm, Philip Olson wrote:
>> - Reclassification : Discuss how we handle this, like should old/new
>> lists both receive emails?
> Both lists should receive reclassifaction notification, and nothing
> more, imho.
>> - Consider different captcha (like reCaptcha) for anonymous users
> Yes, please.  The current one takes 3 tries to get right, for me.

The PEAR bugtracker has been using a no-captcha-necessary method that to
catch spam, and it is working great now.  The only caveat was that it
took a little while to work out the kinks.  It works by creating named
user accounts and requests a password after you click a link in an email
sent to you.  Bugs that don't get confirmed by the user within 2 weeks
get purged, and unvalidated bugs can be viewed by folks logged into the
tracker with their pear accounts.

This tends to cut down on both spam and poorly thought-out bug reports.
 The disadvantages are obvious: everyone has to have an account and give
their email address to report a bug.  The advantages are also obvious:
much more disability-friendly, tracking reports by users is easy, and
upgrading a frequent reporter to a developer is also easier, no captchas
ever again and easy per-reporter statistics.  We use this in PEAR just
to see who is active reporting and fixing bugs.


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