Please don't top post!

And what you ask for is already there.


Sriram Natarajan kirjoitti:
I very much miss the ability to add my email address to the bugs that I am interested in. This used to allow to me to track its progress. I wasn't not sure, if that is what you meant within Subscriptions..

- sriram

Philip Olson wrote:

The bug system today works fine but improvements are being made. I've gone through the lists and details from past attempts and will list ideas here. Please do not vote, but if a particular item appears like a bad idea then please explain. Or, discuss additional (or modified) ideas that will be useful to the PHP project.

The new system[1] is based off the bug system (via Jani), which long ago was a fork of our current ( Because of this, some of these items are already available via the pear geeks. The plan is to have one bug tracker that includes PEAR+PECL+Core+GTK+Etc. It's also planning to go live after Stage #1 is completed, and also Jani and 2009 GSoC student Felipe Ribeiro are working on this project. Soonish a test system will be setup for all to break. Yes, this really is happening.

Most people like the current system because it's simple, and I don't foresee this changing.

First stage:
- Cleanup code (in progress)
- Attachments : For a diff, test, backtrace, screenshot, whatever. (done)
- Package/Type separation : Packages (like extensions) and Bug Types (like feature requests) are separate (done) - Defined/Documented permissions : For example, so we all know if a random person can comment on a bogus bug
- Preview button, instead of only submit (almost done)
- Deal with bug id clashes from current PECL/PEAR/PHP bug trackers, and associated links
- Importing
- Testing

Second stage:
- Additional history : When a bug was opened/closed etc. Currently we don't log this except in emails - Reclassification : Discuss how we handle this, like should old/new lists both receive emails?
- Consider different captcha (like reCaptcha) for anonymous users
- Voting : Do we use or care about this? Improve?
- nofeedback improvements : People assume this means closed, when it does not

Third stage:
- Subscriptions : Allow people to subscribe to RSS and/or receive emails per bug/package
- Tagging : Allow people to optionally attach tags to bugs
- IRC integration : Allow bot integration to an IRC channel, like a #php.bugs resurrection
- Optional milestones (in pearweb today)
- Integrate with VCS. Research this, KISS. Ex. A commit containing "PHP Bug #42" automagically appends info to the bugs db
- Befriend systems like
- OpenID support, see also
- Username finder for the 'assigned' boxes, see also

And as always, additional volunteers are welcome.



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