>> For BC, I suppose PHP could have *both* 'a.b' and 'a_b', or yet
>> another php.ini flag (sorry!) to choose the behaviour.
>-1 from me.
>I don't think we need to keep backward compatibility for this. PHP-6 is a 
>major release, after all.
>It would be absolutely enough to add optional var-name conversion to 

By default extract _ignores_ variables with dots like a.b
Even though register_globals should be removed, it does not mean that the 
default behaviour of extract
should be changed.
If it's _necessary_ to provide a way to mimic register_globals 
functionality, a special flag for it should
be added, something like EXTR_MIMIC_REGISTER_GLOBALS that will replaces 
incorrect characters
in the variable names with underscrores.
In this case BC won't be broken.

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