> And I'm not sure who would actually use 'a.b' and then expect 'a_b',
> but I have to assume somebody has done that, perhaps consuming an API
> from somewhere else.

OpedID protocol uses dots in query string arguments. The
implementations could be broken by the patch.

While the "keep arguments as is" behaviour is certainly better in the
long run - issues like OpenID should be taken into account.

2010/1/21 jvlad <d...@yandex.ru>:
>>> For BC, I suppose PHP could have *both* 'a.b' and 'a_b', or yet
>>> another php.ini flag (sorry!) to choose the behaviour.
>>-1 from me.
>>I don't think we need to keep backward compatibility for this. PHP-6 is a
>>major release, after all.
>>It would be absolutely enough to add optional var-name conversion to
> By default extract _ignores_ variables with dots like a.b
> Even though register_globals should be removed, it does not mean that the
> default behaviour of extract
> should be changed.
> If it's _necessary_ to provide a way to mimic register_globals
> functionality, a special flag for it should
> be added, something like EXTR_MIMIC_REGISTER_GLOBALS that will replaces
> incorrect characters
> in the variable names with underscrores.
> In this case BC won't be broken.
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