Hi again

Trying to drive home this message I am starting a new thread.

Mini-summary: The next *major* edition of PHP must be 7, not 6.


A. There seem to be universal agreement that the up until last week branch of PHP called trunk was going to be PHP 6 is a dead end and not the way into the future. (I'll call this "PHP 6.old" from now on.

B. Instead a more incremental approach is better, according to the consensus. (I'll call this "PHP.next".)

C. BUT: There is a ton of articles and slides and blog posts describing PHP 6.old on the net already.

D. If there will be a new major edition of PHP with the version number 6, not based on "PHP 6.old" but "PHP.next" it will take a huge amount of time for the old resources to disappear from Google search results and peoples minds.

E (for ergo): The next major version of PHP must be called 7, to avoid confusion. Could we not at least agree on this?

This is not a technical decision. It is a pedagogic decision.

It is not a decision about if we are going from 5.3 to 7 directly or if there should be a 5.4 release in between. Nor is it a decision about timetable or features.

(And it is an appropriate slap to publishers who have put out books with PHP 6 in their title, just for marketing purposes.)


You may stop reading now because I've made my point. Here comes a little fairy tale illustrating it further.

A fairy tale from real life.

Once upon a time there was a proposal for ECMAScript 4. Then along came Douglas Crockford and said "this is bad". Then Microsoft said "we concur".

And Mozilla and Adobe said: "You are letting us down. You had promised to support ECMAScript 4 and you have a hidden agenda."

And there was some name calling.

And people were pissed.

But then they talked to each other, and reached an agreement. There should be ES 3.1 first and ES 4 later.

But they interpreted the agreement differently. Which made people pissed again.

And work continued on the two branches, which were now incompatible with each other.

But then they talked to each other again, and reached an agreement - again.

And - poff - ECMAScript 4 was gone.

And ECMAScript 3.1 became "fifth edition", because changes were to large for a point release.

And the future became "Harmony", which might become 6th edition, once it's done.

And everybody is happy :-)

To make my point absolutely clear, this is the analogy:

ES 4   = PHP 6.old
ES 3.1 = PHP 5.4
ES 5   = PHP 7

And for those who have missed it, here is the story retold by Brendan Eich:

And retold by Doug C:

Keryx Web (Lars Gunther)

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