On 13 Mar 2010, at 22:55, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:

> Stefan Marr wrote:
>> Is that wise and well-considered or something the community might 
>> regret in the long run?
> The books in question have not been written by community members
> (because those know better). I think there are so many PHP 6 books on
> the market because greedy publishers want to release old content under
> a new title and use a version bump (that has not happened yet) to cover
> up this fact.
Even if that is the fact, first, I disagree with your definition of community, 
and second, how does a PHP beginner know about that? These are the people which 
will be confused.

Anyway, that is a political discussion, and I share the concerns raised in this 

What ever the decision on that matter will be, it should be properly documented 
together with the goals for 'The Next Big Thing'.
And, well, I think, a proper RFC would be the way to go, to document the 
goals/roadmap and have to have a base for discussion. 

Best regards

> -- 
> Sebastian Bergmann                    Co-Founder and Principal Consultant
> http://sebastian-bergmann.de/                           http://thePHP.cc/
> -- 
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Stefan Marr
Software Languages Lab
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
Phone: +32 2 629 2974
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