On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 11:57 AM, Derick Rethans <der...@php.net> wrote:
> As I now have plenty of time to work on things, I'd be happy to act as
> RM, and wouldn't mind working on roadmaps and sorting out what good bits
> we have/had, and which things we don't want to port back into the new
> trunk. Depending on how things go, this could become 5.4 or 6 or
> something else.

If you are proposing it and have time to do it, I think you being the
RM for the Unicode stuff (and whatever version number this is) is
going to be the only way to move the Unicode forward.

As for Lukas idea, I agree having two RMs (or co-RM) elimitates
problems we had in the past.

We need to focus on Unicode more than what some says, whether this
means descoping the Unicode release or not. However, this means that
the development focus needs to be towards new features AND Unicode,
not having the new feature branch, and the siberia branch with Unicode

Anyway, might be useless email, but I'm +1 on Derick's ideas (and +10
on PHP5.2 security patches only. Some people don't even realize PHP
5.3 is out, need to move on now)

Best regards,

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