Andi Gutmans wrote:
We need to focus on Unicode more than what some says, whether this
means descoping the Unicode release or not. However, this means that
development focus needs to be towards new features AND Unicode, not
having the new feature branch, and the siberia branch with Unicode

I think the key to rebuilding momentum in PHP development is to not try
and boil the ocean but to focus on "smaller" major releases. This would
enable us to manage a more predictable release cycle, lower the risk for
each release incl. better manage compatibility and increase motivation
for contributors as they know they can have an impact and if they can't
make one release they know the next isn't that far off (the latter also
eliminates pressure to push pre-mature functionality into a release).

Please can we also put PDO back in the melting pot ... this is also still a 'pre-mature' functionality partly because of the very limited target it set, but this has also resulted in a base that simply does not work. All of the database drivers are getting new features which SHOULD be developed at the PDO level if THAT is to become the standard. At present no one is working on the gaps in PDO mainly because adding database specific features can't be handled, and therefore projects that have switched to PDO are finding that even for MySQl and Posgresql ( the only two drivers that are reasonably stable in PDO ) they have to also access the native drivers ...

The base class for PDO simply does not allow any chance of supporting cross connection activities - something which is rather important as projects scale.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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