
1. What's missing and should be added?

First thing perhaps ... which IS Pierre's problem ... Windows snapshots
But short of trawling the commit tree ... what HAS already been added?
( links to the CURRENT release notes from the windows site are broken by the 
way )

We have NEWS for this, don't we?

Although I do seem to have missed something in 5.3.3 - where is the constructor
in a namespaced class if it's not going to use the those that already exist in
the source non-namespaced one. Not having been able to move TO php5.3 yet I seem
to have missed that discussion.

Discussion starts here: http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=127014823111792&w=2

The change is that if you have class Foo\Bar\Baz then Baz() isn't its ctor (which it shouldn't be, since it's not the name of the class, Foo\Bar\Baz is).

Currently I am still working my way through the holes in PHP5.3.x which is why
PHP5.2 is STILL the last stable release as far as my ( windows ) customer sites
are concerned. SO sensible debate on the next step forward IS more important and

What's wrong with 5.3 on windows (separate topic please :)
Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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