
2010/11/25 Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com>:
> I think that skipping to a major version is a good idea.
> Two key reasons I think that:
> 1.  It'll help us break the evil spell of the 6 version number.  Honestly, 
> I'm not so certain we'll have major engine rewrites the size of what we've 
> seen in PHP 3/4/5 going forward.  Sure, I have a track record for saying that 
> in the past before PHP 5, but this time I *really* think we've reached an 
> evolutionary stage :).  Even if I'm wrong and we'd have a major rewrite 
> happening, I don't think any of us is seeing it any time soon.

I also think that its appealing to skip to version 6 to break that
spell once and for all. While still having 5.4, with backported
enhancements and features like Traits. Which also leaves us to the
breakage point, allowing us to get rid of magic_quotes in trunk while
its kept in 5.4.

> 2.  Maybe it's time to break the notion that a major number change means 
> major breakage.  Sometimes (like in Google Chrome), a major version can bring 
> nothing but a few new features and significantly improve performance, without 
> any additional pain.  Not saying we should go to the extreme of releasing a 
> major version every other week, but once a year or once every 18 months is a 
> very reasonable frequency.
> Can't say I feel strongly about it, but I have a feeling that unless we 
> change our versioning scheme a slight bit, we'll be stuck in the 5.x realm 
> for a very long time (and I do think it actually reflects badly on the way 
> the language is perceived to some degree).

Although I don't feel strong about versioning either, but then I don't
think it makes much sense to skip version 6 as suggested. 5.x is a
major revision of PHP that we all like, but I won't want to be stuck
in it forever either.

Lets forget about the past PHP6 and make the present PHP6 happen instead.


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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