Gustavo Lopes wrote:
> I know you're responding to Pierre's proposed addition of a way to
> disable POST data handling altogether possibly via an ini option, but
> since the objection also applies to the ini option I've added to
> trunk, I'd like to address it.
> Yes, it sucks that the option cannot be changed with ini_set, but
> that's an inevitable technical limitation that I don't see how it can
> be overcome without major changes. By the time control is passed to
> the script, the interesting stuff has already happened.
> (By the way, I think it's unfortunate that most frameworks abandoned
> the simplicity of a direct correspondence file <--> url -- whenever
> practical, of course, but that's another matter)
It could be a set-only option.
You can't disable it, but if it isn't set and you enable it, it
magically fills your $_POST.
Making the internal function available to the userland would be
preferable, though. That would be more flexible even though the common
usecase would be
$_POST = process_post("php://input");

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