A few notes worth mentioning:

- That RFC moved from fail to 'under discussion' a few weeks ago, although it 
hasn't been edited
- Most people are now for it, or at least that's the general feeling on IRC 
(#php.pecl) these past few weeks
- Discussing it is on the 5.4 TODO ( https://wiki.php.net/todo/php54 )

And since I voted against it last time around, here's my take (quoting myself 
here from the recent 5.4 thread):

"I'm changing my old vote, so -1 to +1. Changes and additions to syntax may (or 
may not) slow adoption, but since other such changes are being made then let's 
do it. And while explicit code (e.g., array()) is nice, many people are 
familiar with array shortcuts."

I think the main question is if related features (e.g., inline array slicing) 
should also be implemented. Once upon a time the $arr{} syntax almost did that.


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