
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:42 AM, Brian Moon <br...@moonspot.net> wrote:
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/shortsyntaxforarrays
> Since this was brought again recently by Rasmus
> (http://markmail.org/message/fx3brcm4ekh645se) and on Twitter where several
> people including Andi chimed in on it and Ilia seemed to reverse his
> thoughts as well (with caveats), I thought I would start a real thread about
> it. The reason the RFC stalled was stated as:

I am very much +1 for this. I would also like to note the sooner we
get it in the sooner it can actually be adopted as most hosting
providers are a couple years behind of latest release, so I hope we
can build some momentum this time around and get a solid "feature"
that the user base wants. In addition I think the "Square bracket
array shortcut - keys and values are separated by colons:" is the way
to go.



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