On Thu, 2011-08-18 at 15:33 +0200, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> we already do this (session.serialize_handler, defaults to our own
> format, but can be set to wddx or igbinary)

Well the session handler doesn't matter too much and is more of an admin
thing, unlike serialize()/unserialize(). Those are the ones which
shouldn't be set by configuration as they are used programmatically.

The format is relevant for session though, too, as people use memcache
or something to share sessions from multiple hosts.

> and I really hate that the php session format is almost compatible
> with serialize/unserialize. if I remember correctly only lacks the
> a:number_of_items_in_the_session:{} around the session data.
> why did we did this? to save a few bytes? /o\

History with register globals, back then each variable had to be
serialized individually based on the list of registered vars. We
resisted from changing the format to keep compatibility. (some people
also want to stay sessions alive while updating)


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