On 03/14/2012 03:11 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
> Hi!
>> The other way to solve this would be to make max_input_vars PHP_INI_ALL
>> and then just let people ini_set() their way around the limit.
> I think making it PHP_INI_ALL is OK. If you have access to a way to
> change INI_ALL vars, that means you can run code on that system, then
> DoS protection is meaningless on this stage.

I ran into this in some existing code that broke upgrading to 5.3.10. It
was a backend call to an API where the API result was being fed to
parse_str(). The API itself is trusted, so no risk of a HashDoS from it.
Other than replacing the call to parse_str() with a similar userspace
implementation there was no way to fix this safely. I could do a
.htaccess for just that URI, but that would open up the frontend of this
particular request to a HashDoS.

I'll make the INI_ALL change for the next release.


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