Sounds like a least dangerous way of solving the problem to me. The
only issue I can see with this fix is what would happen is if after
the "PG(max_input_vars) = max_vars;     "
call the request got interrupted in persistent environment such as
Apache (mod_php). Wouldn't that means that for subsequent requests the
value would not be equal to the one set by the user?

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 3:42 PM, Rasmus Lerdorf <> wrote:
> It is somewhat unintuitive that parse_str() is subject to the
> max_input_vars limitation and there are sites that use parse_str() to
> parse things that aren't directly coming from user query args.
> There arr two ways to solve this. We could add an optional max_vars arg
> something along these lines:
> The other way to solve this would be to make max_input_vars PHP_INI_ALL
> and then just let people ini_set() their way around the limit.
> The one drawback with the optional arg approach is that since
> parse_str() is a thin layer on top of the query string parser, the error
> if you exceed the passed max_vars talks about the ini setting which in
> this case wouldn't really be correct and fixing that would be complicated.
> -Rasmus
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