My original goal was to stop typing <?php in pure code files. That
includes at the top. I think it's entirely reasonable to achieve it
with an option to the require keywords for this purpose and a naming
convention to be followed by autoloaders. Keep in mind how rarely you
have to change them. We're talking about code maintained by a
relatively small number of very sharp developers. They can handle a
few flags (:

The prohibition of ?> still seems unnecessary and perhaps divisive,
but if it were preferable to the majority to prohibit ?> in a pure
code file, I could live with that as long as classic PHP files are
also 100% supported and remain the default. I'm trying to craft a
broadly acceptable compromise that still achieves the original goal of
allowing people to write "just code" in a class file.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Kris Craig <> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Luke Scott <> wrote:
>> > Obviously, it would need to be at the top of the PHP file (whitespace
>> > notwithstanding).  Since we don't want any BC breaks, we at very least
>> > need
>> > it to start with "<?" so that we don't end up parsing anything that
>> > wasn't
>> > mean to be parsed.  So how about we keep it simple and just use a
>> > single,
>> > "<?phpp" at the beginning of the file?  No ?> would be allowed after
>> > that.
>> > Anything before that (in the file itself) would also be ignored and
>> > throw a
>> > warning.
>> Remember, <?xml tags. I think <? By itself was deprecated for this reason.
> Bah, right!  That damned <?xml tag....
> I already know what everyone's reaction will be, and it is probably a REALLY
> bad idea, but I feel obligated to at least mention it:  Should we consider
> replacing "<?..." with something that doesn't conflict with anything,
> perhaps starting in PHP 6?  No need to get out the torches and pitchforks,
> everyone!  As insane and problematic as that would be (i.e. BC break with
> roughly 1/3 of the internet lol), I felt as though the subject should at
> least be broached.  ;P
>> > This sounds like the best approach, given the limitations involved with
>> > webserver configurations.  I'm still very much against though allowing
>> > ?>
>> > within one of these files (included or otherwise), as it really defeats
>> > the
>> > whole purpose and would just encourage poor architecture without any
>> > countervailing benefit.
>> Agreed. Disallowing ?> in a file in pure code means only one <?php tag
>> at the top.
>> A flag on require/include is acceptable to me, as long as the default
>> mode is configurable in the php.ini file (when none are specified).
> Perhaps we should split that into a separate RFC?  I.e. a require flag that
> tells it to parse the included PHP file as pure PHP, regardless of whether
> or not it has the <?phpp tag.  I'm not sure if this would be
> workable/necessary or not, but it's different enough that I think splitting
> it off into a separate proposal would probably make the most sense.
>> Luke
>> >
>> > --Kris

Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

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