Let me be very clear about that... I am NOT proposing that <?php at
the top be mandatory in a file loaded in code mode! I don't want to
type it ever again outside of a template file, personally. See the
title of the RFC.

On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 7:06 PM, Luke Scott <l...@cywh.com> wrote:
> On 4/9/12 3:53 PM, "Tom Boutell" <t...@punkave.com> wrote:
>>I see why you want to allow <?php at the top to be optional in 'code
>>mode,' rather than disallowed in code mode. But your purpose is to
>>allow legacy code to be autoloaded without knowing in advance whether
>>it starts with <?php or not.
>>But that would probably lead in practice to the use of a single file
>>extension for old and new class files.
>>And that, in turn, would lead to source code being spewed to the
>>browser for all to see if a perfectly respectable autoloader circa PHP
>>5.3 runs into one of these new files.
>>This is a much more significant security issue than some of those
>>mentioned previously because perfectly well-written code would display
>>this behavior if someone unknowingly drops a newer library into, say,
>>the lib/ folder of a Symfony 1.4 project. Ouch.
> So are you saying the starting "<?php" tag should be required in "code
> mode"?
> If so, I'm ok with that as long as:
> - "?>" is forbidden
> - Text before the opening <?php tag (literal text or white-spaces) is
> either ignored or throws an error instead of printing to the output buffer.
> If that's not what you mean, please clarify.
> Luke
>>It would be much better for that autoloader to just ignore the file
>>because it has a new extension. This way the problem is immediately
>>"Hey, my class didn't load, something must be up. Oh my PHP is old
>>and/or this autoloader doesn't know about .phpc files, what are they
>>anyway... google google... aha, I need PHP 5.x and an updated
>>autoloader. Grumble. Okay."
>>This is a much safer outcome.
>>On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 6:34 PM, Luke Scott <l...@cywh.com> wrote:
>>> Tom,
>>> On 4/9/12 3:17 PM, "Tom Boutell" <t...@punkave.com> wrote:
>>>>My original goal was to stop typing <?php in pure code files. That
>>>>includes at the top. I think it's entirely reasonable to achieve it
>>>>with an option to the require keywords for this purpose and a naming
>>>>convention to be followed by autoloaders. Keep in mind how rarely you
>>>>have to change them. We're talking about code maintained by a
>>>>relatively small number of very sharp developers. They can handle a
>>>>few flags (:
>>>>The prohibition of ?> still seems unnecessary and perhaps divisive,
>>>>but if it were preferable to the majority to prohibit ?> in a pure
>>>>code file, I could live with that as long as classic PHP files are
>>>>also 100% supported and remain the default. I'm trying to craft a
>>>>broadly acceptable compromise that still achieves the original goal of
>>>>allowing people to write "just code" in a class file.
>>> I think you can you achieve that by making "template mode" default and
>>> default changeable in the php.ini file.
>>> Something like this:
>>> /*
>>>    Code only, <?php at top optional, no ?>.
>>>    Text before opening <?php silently dropped
>>> */
>>> require "/path/to/somefile.php", INCLUDE_CODE;
>>> /*
>>>    Works exactly as it is now: <?php and ?> allowed.
>>>    Text betweeen ?>...<?php printed to output buffer.
>>> */
>>> require "/path/to/anotherfile.php", INCLUDE_TEMPLATE; // As it is now
>>> /*
>>>    By default INCLUDE_TEMPLATE
>>>    Can change default mode in php.ini to be INCLUDE_CODE if desired.
>>> */
>>> require "/path/to/anotherfile.php"; // As it is now
>>> Personally I would like to be able to do something like this in my auto
>>> loader:
>>> include $file, INCLUDE_CODE & INCLUDE_SILENT;
>>> That way I can ensure pure code is being inserted and no warnings are
>>> thrown if the file doesn't exist (class undefined will be thrown
>>> I think it's important to make <?php optional at the top if you're using
>>> existing or third party libraries that you can't modify. At least then
>>> you'll be able to maintain backwards compatibility with most code
>>> since PHP 5.
>>> (We don't need PHP_*. See the output of get_defined_constants() ).
>>> I like where this is going! Hopefully after the RFC has been finalized
>>> everyone else will agree.
>>>>On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Kris,
>>>>> Bah, right!  That damned <?xml tag....
>>>>> I already know what everyone's reaction will be, and it is probably a
>>>>> bad idea, but I feel obligated to at least mention it:  Should we
>>>>> replacing "<?..." with something that doesn't conflict with anything,
>>>>> perhaps starting in PHP 6?  No need to get out the torches and
>>>>> everyone!  As insane and problematic as that would be (i.e. BC break
>>>>> roughly 1/3 of the internet lol), I felt as though the subject should
>>>>> least be broached.  ;P
>>> No need. Just keep it as <?php. It's already been well established. We
>>> should ovoid overcomplicating it.
>>> Luke
>>Tom Boutell
>>P'unk Avenue
>>215 755 1330
>>PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Tom Boutell
P'unk Avenue
215 755 1330

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