
2012/4/10 Kris Craig <kris.cr...@gmail.com>:
> On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 10:35 PM, Luke Scott <l...@cywh.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 9, 2012, at 10:03 PM, Yasuo Ohgaki <yohg...@ohgaki.net> wrote:
>> > I strongly discourage settingallow_url_include=on, too.
>> Good.
>> > Enabling it only when it is needed is okay.
>> No it's not. There is no reason to do so other than backwards
>> compatibility for very old code.
>> > I think you are concerned about security,
>> Absolutely.
>> > so you could agree to have
>> > option for disabling embedded mode by option,  couldn't you?
>> Sure it can be an option. But it can't be the default, at least right
>> away. It's unreasonable. I would prefer an environmental variable to
>> choose the mode though. I'm not opposed to a php.ini option, but some
>> people are
>> (If by embedded mode you mean template mode, and non-embedded mode as
>> "pure code mode").
>> I still fail to see what this has to do with allow_url_include.
>> > Letting programmers decide what  to do
>> Not in all cases.
>> > Programming languages should give freedom to write suicide code
>> > more or less.
>> No, it shouldn't.
>> All that you've said comes down to this:
>> Don't write bad code. Configure your web server properly.
>> The RFC isn't meant to address these issues, and quite frankly it
>> isn't a core PHP issue. It's no different than any language with an
>> eval() statement.
>> Keep in mind an RFC isn't gospel. And it's still being drafted. We
>> need to give Tom a chance to finish it.
>> Luke
>> --
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> I feel obliged to point out that both sides of this argument have been
> represented eloquently and fully IMHO.  It now seems to have reached the
> point where all substantive arguments have been said and thus are now merely
> being repeated.  The last few messages back-and-forth could, at least one
> some level, be summarized simply as, "Yes it is!" and "No it isn't!"
> There's clearly a fundamental disagreement exposed here as to the role a
> programming language should play pertaining to the prevention of vulnerable
> code and whether the burden lies with the language or the programmer to
> assume responsibility for this.  My guess would be that it falls somewhere
> in the middle, though I really haven't given it much thought to be honest.

I believe there is misunderstanding.
allow_url_include and templat_mode is very similar to me, yet
there is not an agreement.

> I'd like to suggest that a new thread be created for this debate, since it
> does seem to be sufficiently divergent from the original topic posted by
> Tom.  I would also be interested to hear why you believe it should or should
> not be the role of the language to prevent exploitable code and to what
> degree.  Both sides have stated quite authoritatively that it is one or the
> other, but what I'd like to see are some more in-depth arguments to back-up
> those assertions.  From a strictly academic standpoint, I think this
> argument poses an interesting opportunity to explore this philosophical
> divide in detail.
> But regardless, let's at least move it to a separate topic so Tom can argue
> the case for his RFC without too much distraction.  =)

These RFC is similar, but it's different.
That why I separated the RFC.

Why shouldn't thread. I'll post new one.


Yasuo Ohgaki

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