On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com>wrote:

> Hi!
> > the voting RFC explicitly states that it is possible for (some) non-vcs
> > users to vote, but there isn't any formal process on how can someone
> > apply for voting karma, and what is the decision making process on this.
> And what is the problem in not having the formal process?

uhm. do I really have to explain it? for you? the same reason why we have
the rfc process, the release process, the voting process.
I'm not talking about 100% complete, unchangeable rules, but some kind of
process to follow.
mentioning the option for non-vcs users to vote in the voting RFC without
providing them a way to apply for karma is the same as we wouldn't mention
it at all.
I could also accept if we don't allow them, but then we should be clear
about it.

> > which went unanswered and I was also questioned on irc/twitter multiple
> > times about how can somebody request voting karma.
> I'd say if you have to request it and you have to ask about it on
> twitter, you probably do not know enough about PHP development process
> to have a deciding vote on PHP features.

no, it only means that our internal processes aren't clear or easily
people outside the circle can't do much, than asking people inside to let
them in.

> For non-deciding votes, we have
> community voting where pretty much anyone can vote.

you mean the +1/-1 on the mailing list threads?
that's nice, but I'm talking about the voting laid out in the voting
process rfc https://wiki.php.net/rfc/voting (what you also supported).

as I mentioned before, I can live with it if we remove the ability for
non-vcs users to vote, but in that case we should update the rfc (and the
karma check in the wiki) accordingly.
but if we decide to keep it, we should make it possible for people to be
able to request for voting karma, and a way to handle those requests.
Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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