As far as I read there is no difference from the previous RFC - it
says essentially the same.

" The <?php tag, contained within one of these files, tells the webserver
to, in essence, “switch to PHP mode” and start parsing the data as PHP code.
When the ?> tag is reached, the webserver “switches back” and resumes
parsing it as HTML. If no tags are given, the webserver will parse the file
data as HTML code until a <?php tag is reached. "

I'm I the only one who thinks that this is just plain wrong? I know for a
fact that there is no "PHP mode" on the WEB server level. I think I
understand what it tries to say, but I totally disagree with what is
written and don't want to guess anything.

24 апреля 2012 г. 22:52 пользователь Kris Craig <>написал:

> Hi all,
> I finally found some time today to update the RFC based on discussions
> here.  Please have a look and let me know if I missed anything or if
> there's anything else that needs clarifying:
> I also want to know if this is sufficient to satisfy some of the concerns
> that have been raised about being able to implement this into existing
> frameworks that use a more "tangled" architecture.
> Thanks!  =)
> --Kris

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