On 20/07/12 15:32, Alex Aulbach wrote:
Hi Ivan,

throw new Exception('foobar');
catch(Exception $e)
If you use try/catch that much, that you begin to think about the
syntax, you have an architecture- or design-problem.
Not sure about that. First, it was an example. Second, it happens more often than you think. For example, if you're writing a dispatcher (i.e. redirect some data to some callables), you will want to catch exception as early as possible. This is not an architecture- or design-issue, this happens sometimes when you code.

And I would like to point that this is not the topic. The topic is consistency in PHP syntax (restricted to control structures and brackets/braces).

Best regards.

Ivan Enderlin
Developer of Hoa
http://hoa.42/ or http://hoa-project.net/

PhD. student at DISC/Femto-ST (Vesontio) and INRIA (Cassis)
http://disc.univ-fcomte.fr/ and http://www.inria.fr/

Member of HTML and WebApps Working Group of W3C

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