On 9/18/12 1:55 PM, Stas Malyshev wrote:
Again, nowhere it is said that you can not apply different filters to
different data or different context. Again, you narrow down definition
of filtering, to which I see no purpose unless you seek to arrive at
pre-determined conclusion that we need to duplicate APIs because it's
called "filter".

I agree that filtering can mean general processing of data, but if we embrace this definition in the filter extension, why not deprecate *all* string functions and replace them with FILTER_SANITIZE_* constants? I'd argue because naming matters, and *option* constants should not be used to wildly change behavior.

Filter has already gone down this road--I doubt the value added by having a second, much more verbose way to call htmlspecialchars()--but I don't see why we must continue down that path.


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