Hi Nuno - did you ever get a chance to look at the parallel version of run-tests? I had some free time to work on it last week so REDIRECT is now implemented, I have tested it using ext/pdo_mysql and ext/pdo_sqlite.

I'm testing using about 8000 phpt tests and getting the same results as run-tests. There is still work to do on performance but I think it might at this stage be worth trying a bigger sample.

Alright, thanks for the reply!
I'll try to have a look at the code and give it a try next weekend.


-----Original Message----- From: zoe slattery Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP-QA] Parallel run-tests
On 21/05/2012 06:45, Nuno Lopes wrote:
Hi Zoe,

Thanks for undertaking this project!

I just have a few concerns about this:
- The speedup seems a bit low to me. Maybe with a higher number of extensions enabled it will improve?..
I don't think it will improve with a higher number of extensions. It _may_ improve as a result of someone doing some work on the tests are scheduled - but I wouldn't count on it. Looking at improving performance is important and I wanted to get some confirmation that it is faster, I think we have that level of confirmation now. However, if I'm the only person working on this, further performance work will come after complete implementation + debugging.
- Is there any developer documentation available? If I wanted to do a change or a bug fix today, how could I do it?
Lots - https://wiki.php.net/qa/runtests. I have just updated the "Development" section which has instructions on how to build and test the code. The 'Documentation' section has not been updated recently but I think it is still valid.

- Can it be packaged as a single drop-in file replacement for run-tests.php? The deployment is very important to me. IMHO, the optimal solution would be to have a drop-in replacement for the current script, so that most developers wouldn't even notice the difference.
Yes - totally agree. I think I experimented with packaging it as a .phar (so it would be called run-tests.phar, not run-tests.php), but it's so long ago that I can't remember. I have added it to the to-do list (https://wiki.php.net/qa/runtests/todos).
- From previous emails exchanged in this thread, it seems that this new version requires a few extensions to run (gzip, soap??). This is not acceptable. The script must be able to run with --disable-all. Of course in that case the parallel version will fail.
No, it doesn't. That was a stupid bug and I fixed it last night :-)



-----Original Message----- From: zoe slattery
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2012 1:00 PM
To: internals@lists.php.net ; PHP QA
Subject: [PHP-QA] Parallel run-tests


Over the past couple of weeks I have updated the parallel run-tests
(fixed a couple of minor bugs in the PHP code and the build.xml), it's
now almost at the point where I could go ahead and implement the last
pieces.  Here is a summary and a few questions:

1. In rebasing the code the the dev't stream I found a number of tests
with non-standard sections. My code checks test case structure and
objects to anything non-standard, the current run-tests.php mainly
ignores this kind of thing. I fixed up about 15 of these tests (see
#62022) already - I'll fix the rest if there are no objections - I will
open another bug report first.

2. If there is agreement to use this code it would make sense to
replace  the existing run-tests code with it, or rather,  it would make
no sense to try and maintain both versions. The new code is OO PHP, it's
in http://git.php.net/repository/phpruntests.git, is there any problem
with it staying there long term and maybe copying a run-tests.phar into
the PHP source directory? I have no idea what the right answer is,
suggestions welcome.

3. I ran a couple of small tests on my dual core Mac yesterday. For a
standard set of tests, the parallel code ran in 207 seconds, sequential
in 293 seconds and the standard run-tests.php took 298 seconds. This is
an improvement but I suspect we could still do better by looking at the
scheduling algorithm.
At the moment it's very simple, we just assemble a list of directories
with tests in and hand them out to processors till everything is done.
Being able to handle tests that must be run in sequence (mysql, mysqli)
will mean making some changes to this. So, perhaps we give an explicit
list to p1 and let the scheduler distribute the rest of the tests? Or
maybe we should have a 'process map' for all tests for extensions that
are build by default? Again, suggestions welcome.

4. REDIRECTTEST still needs to be implemented, I understand how it works
and this isn't (afaict) a major issue.

5. Testing. I'm able to do basic testing on Mac OSX  and Linux. I really
need access to an 8 way Linux system, or someone who has access and
would be interested in looking at performance? Any volunteers? This is
probably the most interesting part of the project :-)

6. Windows. I'm not in a position to do anything much with Windows
except some very basic checks to make sure that the sequential version
runs. The parallel code won't work because we used pcntl(), however I
know that Stefan and George were keen to design the code so that a
Windows solution could be implemented if anyone thought of one. If
anyone wants to pick up this aspect I'd be happy to get them started.


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