Could just as easily launch N sub-processes from run-tests.php as well.

I compile php in a VM with -j 40 on a dual core VM powered by quad core chip...

The number of simultaneous tests doesn't need to line up with CPU counts...


On Oct 18, 2012, at 7:28 AM, "Pierre Joye" <> wrote:

> hi!
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 5:41 PM, zoe slattery <> wrote:
>> Nuno - just a PS to the last note. It is (mainly) the task allocation across
>> processors which means that running tests in parallel on a 4-way machine is
>> not 4 times as fast as running them in sequence.
>> Here are some results from a run on my 2-way Mac -
>> The blocks of colour are just
>> representations of the time it takes a group to run - and Open office is
>> allocating the colors randomly so they don't have any significance. I've
>> annotated the chart to show which groups are taking a long time....
>> The net is that P0 runs its half of the tasks and then just hangs about
>> waiting for P1 to finish :-/.
>> I have added a 'debug' flag to the code which will print information about
>> how tasks are allocated if anyone wants to try on a 4 or 8 way. Given that
>> there are not many groups that take a long time to run the simplest thing
>> seems to be to map these to specific processors - that's easy enough and
>> requires no difficult code. There are more elegant solutions of course.
> Have you considered doing it using a daemon and php as client (to
> launch tasks and the tests)? Gearman or even a webserver could do a
> better job without the hassle to deal with what you are experiencing
> now. We do that using webservers in our labs to test all phpt and
> various apps.
> That being said, to multiply cores never bring a linear speed
> increase, even less in this case.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Pierre
> @pierrejoye | |
> -- 
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