Stas Malyshev wrote:
>What remains on your TODO list for this functionality?
>When are you planning to run an RFC vote on this?
>I think this would be a valuable addition to PHP 5.5.
I think we shouldn't rush with votes on this until all fine details
aren't hashed out. This is a*huge*  feature - one of the biggest ones
recently, and has a lot of implications for various scenarios. Property
access is what virtually every script in existence does, and doing
changes there have implications that touch every corner of the engine.

I think Clint is doing a great job with this RFC, but we need to
carefully work through all the corners and side cases and relationships
with all other features before we can declare it's ready for the prime
time. Exactly because it is such a big deal it needs to be refined and

But a vote NOT to include it should still be one of the options!

The more edge cases I see on this discussion, the more I am convinced that this is simply not right for PHP ... it's not needed and only adds unnecessary bloat. The more the functionality of PHP gets buried in 'magic code' that can't even be debugged properly or viewed the less useful PHP becomes.

I'm sorry if people are spending a lot of time trying to make something work, but that is their choice, and should not be a reason to include something. I still don't see how this improves anything when all we need to be doing is managing the existing variables, arrays and objects stored in the object. __get and __set aren't needed either but that is another matter. Does anybody actually use them, or are they waiting for the 'better alternative'?

Is there any real reason not simply to be using $obj->var ? It is the fastest way of doing it anyway ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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