
> Stas, you seem to have missed the point behind my mail. This wasn't
> about what the exact details of the implementation will be, the
> message was that the semantics of a dedicated accessors syntax and the
> semantics of a magic implementation can not match.

I see your point now, thanks, but I don't think I agree.

> E.g. assuming that magic accessors take priority over properties as
> you want it this time I can just turn the examples around:
>     class A {
>         public $foo { get() { ... } set($value) { ... } }
>     }
>     class B extends A {
>         public $foo;
>     }
> => Here I would expect that public $foo from class B overrides public
> $foo from class A. 

I'm not sure why you are expecting this, and also this is probably an
LSP violation, since such override would change semantics of the value
that A clients expect. It may be possible to implement, technically, but
I'm not sure it's the right thing to do.

> Basically any kind of interaction between properties and accessor
> properties will be broken and inherently so, simply because magic
> methods are not real properties (quite obviously...).

Magic methods are not properties, they are implementation of properties.
But your properties aren't either - see discussion about interfaces,
etc. They simulate regular properties but they aren't regular
properties. E.g., what would happen if you serialize an object with
simulated property?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/
(408)454-6900 ext. 227

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