Am 28.10.2012 02:42 schrieb "Clint Priest" <>:
> Sounds like you're implying that the mere existence of a properly named
function such as __prop_get_hours() would cause it to be called instead of
returning the property.

Only when the property does not exist, just like it is with __get

> 1) Currently __get() is only checked/invoked if there is not a property
already defined; ie properties shadow __get() (no performance penalty)

Right. I would expect / hope for __prop_get_XXX to work exactly the same.

> 2) It would dramatically reduce performance because every property access
would have to create the function string, get it's hash value and .....

But that only applies to an "accessor shadows property" doctrine, and that
is one of these complications / complexity issues which makes me  prefer
the "property exists means it's definite" doctrine as already deployed with

best regards

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