Hi Stas, hi Etienne,

let’s get practical and apply LSP to property accessors. Find below what I 
would read from the characteristics of LSP.

Am 31.10.2012 um 20:46 schrieb Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com>:
>> Instead, LSP simply states that, given B <: A, all objects of A can be
>> substituted by objects of B while preserving the validity of the
>> method calls on these objects, and the validity of their return
>> values. This is guaranteed here:

Characteristics 1: Contravariance of method arguments in subtypes

This applies to properties in so forth, that weaker requirements need to be 
allowed. This means:

  - Redeclaring a property without a specific type is OK (e.g. parent DateTime, 
children everything)
  - Redeclaring a property with a supertype is OK (e.g. parent MyDateTime, 
children DateTime)
  - Redeclaring a property that was read only as read-writable is OK in theory 
(it isn’t because of the history rule)
  - Redeclaring a property with as less visible is not OK (parent public, 
children protected)
  - Redeclaring a property with as more visible is OK (parent protected, 
children public)
  - Redeclaring a property as read-only is not OK (parent rw, children ro)

Characteristics 2: Covariance of method return values in subtypes

  - For properties, this basically mirrors the rules from rules from 
characteristics 1

Characteristics 3: Preconditions cannot be strengthened: This is something we 
cannot and should not prevent in the language itself but it’s up to the 
programmer to do this correctly
Characteristics 4: Postconditions cannot be weakened: See 3
Characterestics 5: History rule. See 3

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