Am 11.2012 14:00, schrieb Adam Harvey:
I've written an RFC to cover deprecating ext/mysql in PHP 5.5: While we handled the soft
deprecation in the documentation purely via a straw poll on Internals,
I presume this will end up needing to go to a vote, hence the RFC.


I am more than happy someone who is not paid by MySQL took the time to write an RFC.

I/we have been trying to sing the "stop using ext/mysql"-song since at least since 2006. We put ext/mysql in a (security) bug fix maintenance mode only years ago. Too many ignore those attempts to get rid of ext/mysql.

I searched a major search engine for PHP MySQL tutorials a few months ago. 9 out of the top 10 search results demonstrated how to use ext/mysql. 90% are of the tutorials are ashaming junk in my eyes. Wake them up. The year 2013 is just around the corner...

However, because of the documentation situation, we waited and waited. You initiative seems to show that the deprecation message has finally reached circles outside MySQL.


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