On Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Adam Harvey <ahar...@php.net> wrote:
> On 14 November 2012 00:07, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> There's one important thing that I think you all are missing here. You keep
>> bringing up that we should just use the normal "deprecation" process. The
>> problem is that the deprecation process was never designed for a feature
>> like this.
> Serious question: what was it designed for, then? This (along with
> magic quotes, and register globals) was always what I had in the back
> of my mind when it was being discussed.
> <snip>
>> Now, look at ext/mysql. The landscape is completely different. Major
>> projects still rely on it in their most recent versions. Wordpress's latest
>> trunk uses ext/mysql. And as was said here, it's not a trivial change to
>> switch from mysql to mysqli or PDO. ext/mysql is still very heavily relied
>> upon.
> Last time I checked, WordPress's trunk also emulated magic quotes. Old
> code is old. With all due respect to the WP developers, they've made a
> very deliberate choice to maintain extreme backward compatibility
> because their plugin ecosystem demands it. Ultimately, they'll
> presumably emulate mysql_* in userland if it's that important to them,
> just as they are with magic quotes.
> I don't think we should let that stop us from removing dead code, or
> replacing APIs that promote antipatterns.
>> What I would suggest, is not adding E_DEPRECATED for 5.5. Instead,
>> officially deprecate it in the docs. Then start a PR campaign to get
>> projects like WP to switch away from it. Get the word out there as much as
>> possible. Then in 1 to 2 years when 5.6/6 is released, add E_DEPRECATED.
> It's already deprecated in the documentation, really — I doubt adding
> the actual word "deprecated" will make a difference.
> If we're going to drag this out, I'd rather spend an extra year with
> PHP actually generating warnings, as I said upthread.

I'm with you 100% on this. Wasting *yet another few years* on telling people...

"hey, soon we will actually begin to discussing, thinking, of taking
action about maybe deprecating the functions officially in an official
manner by which we mean actually throwing the warnings this time, but
for real now not just in the documentation... Seriously, we're not
joking this time..."

Please, this has been dragged out long enough. Give them the warning,
let the next few years push those with dependency issues into forcing
support on their upstreams.

Software must be tolerant of failure and capable of reiteration if it
is to strive. I truly think this "should we or should we throw
E_DEPRECATED" back-and-forth business is rather silly. It's not like
E_DEPRECATED is going to cause every PHP code base on earth to
suddenly and spontaneously combust over night. We are talking about a
version of PHP that will probably take half of these projects the next
3 years to upgrade to (in terms of the majority of their user bases).
By then they're not even using a version of PHP where the extension
has been removed yet. Come on, I mean the wordpress guys are showing
statistics that a 3rd of their entire user base is still using PHP 5.2
for crying out loud. Let's not over-dramatize this thing.

> Adam
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