On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 10:42 PM, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Stas,
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Stas Malyshev <smalys...@sugarcrm.com
> >wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > > Sure. Here you go. Here are two examples:
> > >
> > > http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0020/
> >
> > This is a nice text, but practical meaning of it is kind of unclear.
> > Even then, applying it to what we have now with annotations, I can see
> > they violate at least #1, #2, #3, #5 and #7 :) And possibly #17 too :)
> > Now, I'm not saying we need to accept exactly such rules, and I see how
> > you may disagree with my application of it - but that's exactly my
> > point. I do not see how having something like this would improve what
> > you want to improve.
> >
> It would provide context. You saying that annotations violate #1, #2, #3,
> #5 and #7 would be a *PERFECT* argument. It puts context into what's wrong
> with the proposal, and not some ambiguous saying...
> > Perl one is more practical, but it is a statement of opinion - even
> > though very influential one of a very smart man. Would you be willing to
> > accept such statement if it says something that you personally disagree
> > with? And out of many different opinion, how we choose one that deserves
> > to be "official", making all other ones "officially wrong"?
> Absolutely. I want A vision, not necessarily MY vision. I want a vision the
> majority can agree with (considering the current state of the dev teams. As
> far as how we choose, I would suggest using the RFC system.
> Neither are you. Yet I am not telling people to shut up, and you are.
> > Curious.
> I said to shut up with the rhetoric, not shut up in general.
> Additionally, replies like the following ARE telling people to shut up
> http://marc.info/?l=php-internals&m=135083835232016&w=2
> >> Hello, list. I want to propose generics.
> > Please no. If you need Java, you know where to find it. Java has a set
> > of great tools, great books, great community. And it's completely free.
> > Anybody who needs Java can just do it. I see no need to turn PHP into
> Java.
> That's the type of thing I want to get rid of...
> > that we can measure things against. Therefore, there is no such thing as
> > > a "good fit for PHP" outside our own personal opinions. It may seem
> like
> >
> > I believe there is. Each language has a philosophy and internal
> > coherence, or at least it should strive to have it. In fact, PHP is
> > frequently criticized for being lacking on this front, and we do not
> > have anything written down formally, but I think it still exists.
> > Moreover, if it does not, and PHP is nothing but a hodgepodge of
> > somewhat useful tools without any coherent thought and system behind
> > them - it would be very bad for PHP project. And if it does exist, then
> > there are things which align with it, and there are things which do not.
> s:/philosophy/vision/ and that's basically what I'm asking for. It does
> exist informally as 1000 different versions right now (one or 4 per person
> on this list).
> And I do currently believe that PHP development currently IS nothing but a
> hodgepodge (how you describe it). I feel it's been that way since at least
> 5.3 when progress on 6 stalled. Since then, it feels like things became
> completely disjointed. The RFC and voting process was a sign of this
> disjoint environment. I want to fix the underlying problem and give the
> project direction again.
> > > I'm not saying not to express that you think the direction is wrong.
> > > What I'm saying is to express it in a better way than "PHP is not Java"
> > > and "I don't ever want to see this". Those are terminal statements.
> >
> > I made kilobytes if not megabytes of comments on this topic for the past
> > years. So if you try to latch on one phrase which was a part of bigger
> > response and make it sound as if I never explained what I mean and
> > nobody else did the same, repeatedly, over the years - this is just
> > wrong. I did explain and I keep explaining it. You may not agree but
> > please do not make it sound as if I only actually said what I mean
> > instead of droning on with "PHP is not Java", maybe then you could
> > understand it... I said it many times - the syntax proposed is very
> > complex and hardly comprehensible, it creates a separate sub-language
> > inside PHP incompatible with what the rest of PHP is doing, it is not
> > readable and it is helpful only in very small subset of PHP uses. I am
> > not opposed to the idea in general, but I am opposed to the level of
> > complexity - both syntactical and conceptual - it currently involves.
> And I appreciate (even if I usually disagree) the content you contribute.
> BUt I can't stand when you go on those terminal remarks (PHP is not Java, I
> never want to see this). They are demoralizing, deflating and do nothing
> but shut people down. That's why even in your large reply I picked out one
> phrase. Because that one phrase was more powerful than the rest of your
> reply...
> Anthony

Just a thought - if the main argument is about syntax - we can propose few
versions (Without implementing them) and then vote for
1) No annotations (attributes) at all.
2) Syntax #1
3) Syntax #2
and so on.

What do you think?

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