Am 11.01.2013 05:55, schrieb dukeofgaming:
> I have a question, maybe it is dumb: why not those opposed to using
> annotations just... refrain from using them?

Although I am not the least against annotations, there are valid and
good technical reasons why one does not want to have a feature in the

As Rasmus said, the code for annotations also needs to interface with
opcode caches and other core and close-to-core technologies. This will
require additional development and maint. time/manpower. This is a
finite resource, there is a tradeoff between expensive new language
features like annotations and other stuff which needs to be done. You
can probably not have both at the same time.

> Finally, I remember the lack of support for development has been a
> problem... so why not call out for support to the community?, from GSoC to
> PHP gurus litterate on Comp Sci and software engineering and architecture?

I think this has been done before and most who stay and contribute over
time have come here by their own means.

Ralf Lang
Linux Consultant / Developer

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