I'm having a hard time seeing production use cases for this.

While it is a very good suggestion, and probably not too hard to implement,
what benefit does it help you in an actual application outside the
development stage?

I'm in favor though, would probably have some uses during the development
On Apr 4, 2013 5:19 PM, "Julien Pauli" <jpa...@php.net> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> Today we talked about a way to detect --with-curlwrappers at runtime.
> It is nowadays not possible easilly.
> Then , I remembered I once proposed to add a new function that could return
> every ./configure options used to compile the runtime PHP the code is
> beeing run on.
> We already have "php-config --configure-options", but that needs to exist
> and that needs an exec() call.
> We also already have phpinfo() which returns that, but not in a very fancy
> way (we need to preg_ the output which is ugly and not very simple).
> Today, Seldaek proposed what I think is a cool way to solve this problem :
> add a new parameter to phpinfo() function, which could return in an array
> what it usually directly print throught the SAPI print() function (HTMLing
> the output when needed).
> The use case would be :
> <?php
> $output = phpinfo(INFO_GENERAL, true);
> var_dump($output);
> /* something like
> ['Debug Build' =>'no', 'Thread Safety'=>'yes', 'Configure
> Command'=>['--enable-foo', '--with-config-file-scan-dir'=>'/etc'
> ]]
> As you can see, it is rather simple but would need some work as it is
> better for the "Configure Command" to return an array with the options
> instead of a big string ; easier to parse.
> Thoughts ?
> Julien.Pauli

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