Again, why can't we just bypass this whole argument by adding a configure
option?  Something like --date.default_timezone="America/Los_Angeles"?  It
could then build that in so it'll assume that if there's no php.ini or if
it's just not set in there.  Problem solved, everybody's use-case covered.

On May 26, 2013 5:46 PM, "Sanford Whiteman" <> wrote:

> > Then set the TZ to UTC or whatever else fits your needs. Server side
> > TZ from a php point of view can be set to whatever you want, be at the
> > php.ini level or in your application configuration (and call the
> > appropriate function).
> Was there something that indicated I don't know how to do this? I have
> always done it and have no problem with it. I don't mind how it works
> now at all.
> Lester's point is UTC is the right default (and thus the battle over
> the E_WARNING should be settled that way). I happen to agree with that
> part, but disagree from heavy experience with the notion that "UTC or
> end-user-selectable" is the only choice you have once you set a value.
> > Let the user has an option and use this option to set the right TZ at
> > the beginning of each request. That's what every tool I know does.
> (a) You don't know all the tools in the world.
> (b) Please show me how every major web app gives you a clearly visible
> and encouraged option to set the tz _at the beginning of each session_
> (I don't think you mean request). Happy to send screenshots to the
> contrary.
> (c) When a web app lets the user change her/his profile parameters
> (which is certainly common) this is irrelevant to their session (so if
> they change it when they're in City A, they have to change it again in
> City B and C as they jump around), (b) on an advanced setup tab
> somewhere.
> You're dead wrong if you think traveling telecommuters are always
> looking at -- let alone want to look at -- their local time.
> > That being said, I do not knwow which apps you use to organize your
> > time plans but all we used here do the conversion for you. Users
> > hate, me included, to have meetings and other time related
> > activities notifications using a different TZ that the one where I
> > am (which can change).
> Well... that's not the way every set of organizations work, hate to
> break it to ya. For some apps the Chennai office is at least in part
> on San Francisco time. This can be because they remote in and don't
> constantly set the TZ in their Citrix session, or because they use a
> web app and, like most real users, can't be bothered to find the
> setting and are not in any way nagged to do so.
> This doesn't mean that some scheduler app doesn't display their local
> time _as well_ as the origin time. But have you ever seen the ol' wall
> of world clocks? There's a reason for that. I like to work that way
> and so to lots of humans.
> > Then do it this way:
> > - default in php.ini
> > - override default is an user has his TZ option set
> I don't need these instructions, which are quite condescending. (And
> if you think *I* need them, how can this coexist with the fantasy that
> non-programmers always tightly manage their TZ?)
> -- S.
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