On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 11:25 PM, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Laruence,
>> I missed one thing here, it should be:
>>   why we need such feature that only a few people need it, and will
>> also make reset people confused, and most of other language doesn't
>> have it, and using it will make things a little mess(and low
>> performance vs pure interface)?
> I've proven twice in this thread, and on the RFC itself that performance is
> equal to or **faster** than the current interface hints. Why does this
> subject keep coming up? Do you not believe my numbers? Run them yourself.
> The branch is available. And if you'd like, I can prove to you logically why
> performance is going to be better in cases where you don't implement
> interfaces but use Structural hinting.
oh oh, take it easy,

so are you saying, that check every method's signature of a class is
*faster* than just check interface?

I don't need to run the test at all

> If we're going to ignore the discussion and keep bringing issues that were
> put to bed back up again, there's no point continuing here. Because "OMGS,
> ITS SLOW" is the antithesis of a useful discussion once it's been shown that
> it's not...

I didn't, did I?  did I said *MOGS*?
I really hope you could  mind you temper here(if you was angry), thanks

I was just saying, it is slow, but it's not my main reason to aginst it.

> As far as "only a few people need it", last I checked, the Drupal community
> was not 'only a few people' (27k developers in the Drupal community alone),
> and several (at least 5) of their core contributors have expressed this
> feature solving some very significant problems they have been experiencing.
So, 27k developers all think it's useful?

> But if you *really* think this feature is needed by only a few people, and
> that I'm blowing it way out of proportion (or inventing a problem), I'll
> retract this proposal.
you don't need to retract this proposal just because I object it,  I
am just saying my opinion here.

> I would just highly recommend that you think about the assertion that you're
> making that "you know the community's needs" (to an 80% degree at least).
> That's a very significant thing to say, and I hope that you are willing to
> take the responsibility for that as well... Personally, I can only speak for
> the side of the community that I interact with regularly, which is by far
> not the entire community...

ok, I am sorry about the 80%, it's just a 80:20 metaphor.

I appreciate your effort to bring this here, and argu for it.  and I
was just doing the same thing, to argu it, and put my voice out.

> Anthony

Laruence  Xinchen Hui

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