> there's really nothing missing from PHP today to enable successful & easy
implementation of RESTful interfaces.


I could not create a REST interface that accepted "multipart form data" in
uploading a file and form data in one PUT request.
This is a valid part of a RESTful interface, yet PHP does not provide
parsed data and file data for PUT like it does for POST (in the form of
$_FILES and $_POST).

The only way to do this in PHP now is write a userland function that parses
multipart form data, which is non-trivial. I had written one, but would
rather rely on the more-well tested parser which exists in PHP itself for
POST. (A side-note: in my case it was deemed less risky to employ a
load-balancer hack instead).

Having the ability to access the data provided in $_POST for other methods
is ideal (by whatever means: $_PUT, $_FORM, get_parsed_form_data(), etc).


On 14 October 2014 14:56, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:

> > Personally, I like the idea of using more appropriately named aliases,
> > particularly if they're roughly the same number of characters.  However,
> > we
> > would need to allow at least several years for people to adopt the new
> > globals before deprecating $_GET and $_POST.  Ultimately, they will
> either
> > need to be deprecated or the $_PUT and $_DELETE aliases will need to be
> > added, otherwise the issue I raised would remain unresolved.
> Kris,
> Don't get this the wrong way, but $_GET and $_POST are not going to be
> deprecated.
> Whether or not we need $_PUT or $_DELETE is a separate, independent
> question
> from the axiom that $_GET and $_POST are here to stay.  Personally, I don't
> think they make sense as Rasmus pointed out that $_GET and $_POST were
> never
> about HTTP methods but form methods, and there's really nothing missing
> from
> PHP today to enable successful & easy implementation of RESTful interfaces.
> Zeev
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