
> The only way to do this in PHP now is write a userland function that parses
> multipart form data, which is non-trivial. I had written one, but would

It is true that PUT data need to be parsed, however it is not true you
have to implement MIME parsing from scratch. There are frameworks that
implement that. Not everything must be written in C. But if you want C,
doesn't pecl/http already have the required bits?

> Having the ability to access the data provided in $_POST for other methods
> is ideal (by whatever means: $_PUT, $_FORM, get_parsed_form_data(), etc).

There are a lot of HTTP verbs - PUT, DELETE, TRACE, PATCH... And what if
you want to do WebDAV? Wouldn't having separate superglobal for each be
taking it a bit too far?

Stanislav Malyshev, Software Architect
SugarCRM: http://www.sugarcrm.com/

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