On Dec 25, 2014 7:08 PM, "Nikita Popov" <nikita....@gmail.com> wrote:

> May I recommend to only target class and class-like names for an initial
RFC? Those have the strongest argument in favor of case-sensitivity given
how current autoloader implementations work - essentially the
case-insensitivity doesn't properly work anyway in modern code.
> Constants in particular are more problematic, because they are currently
only partially case-sensitive and there are some constants (namely true,
false and null) where case sensitivity must not be enforced. So if you want
to make constants fully case sensitive those three would have to become
reserved keywords.
> So, I think this has more chances if you tackle one issue at a time. I'd
also appreciate having a voting option for removing case-insensitivity
right away, as opposed to throwing E_STRICT/E_DEPRECATED. If we want to
change this, I personally would rather drop it right away than start
throwing E_STRICT warnings that would make the case-insensitive usage
impossible anyway.

At the very least that sounds like a less intrusive step, as methods and
classes are usually already written "correctly".

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