On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 04:40:09AM +0100, François Laupretre wrote:

> > He will also have to deal with
> > file ops while being at it. Should they remain case insensitive? Do
> > manual checks to match the path actually being requested (ie. possible
> > on windows using meta info), or keep everything the way it is now?
> Do you mean simulating case-sensitive paths on case-insensitive file systems 
> ? Why not, depending on the overhead it brings. Unfortunately, I don't have 
> the Windows skills required to work on the subject.
> About the overhead the check introduces, note that it is supposed to be 
> temporary. The final goal is to store symbols as-Is, eliminating the need for 
> lowercase conversions. This would remove a lot of allocations and calls to 
> zend_str_tolower_copy(). This would also remove a lot of code.

I see case (in)sensetivity in names of functions/classes/...  as being separate
from case sensetivity in file names.  There is already a problem for those who
develop on MS-Windows/Mac and deploy on *nix - a typeo can lead to a failure at
run time.  The fix is simple, people do not complain that PHP should protect
them from this.

I am a believer in simplicity, which is part of the reason that I support the
idea of removing the complexity of case insensitivity in function/... names.

Case folding has a slight speed penalty and does not work properly. It does not
fold unicode characters outside the range U+40 - U+7A (ie US ASCII), so best to
just forget it.

Alain Williams
Linux/GNU Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT 
+44 (0) 787 668 0256  http://www.phcomp.co.uk/
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