On 2 January 2015 at 15:01, Jordi Boggiano <j.boggi...@seld.be> wrote:

> Looking at it from an OSS maintainer perspective, introducing strict hints
> in code would be a huge BC break as I don't know how people use my code,
> nor if they validate/coerce their user input early or not. If I suddenly
> declare something as int and someone used to pass '5', they get an error.
> That would make adoption quite hard in OSS IMO if you don't want to bother
> people.

Regardless if this RFC gets through or not, changing the signature of a
method IS a BC break in any case, so you shouldn't just move your `int`
declaration from the docblocks into the method signature.

That'd be a simple lib to write, it barely adds more code to your
> functions, and you get strict typing. But I hardly see anyone do this, and
> I would argue it's because it sounds appealing in theory but it's not worth
> it in practice.

I'm actually already using https://github.com/beberlei/assert for that, and
I'd like to get rid of it for simpler types.

Marco Pivetta



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